

Monday - Friday8:00 - 18:30
Find your NHS number - NHS



All consultations are by appointment and should be booked through the receptionist at the surgery or if you are registered via our online services. Please make a separate appointment for each patient.

The Advanced Nurse Practitioner  will deal with all on the day urgent problems and is able to prescribe medication if needed.

Appointments are usually booked at 10 minute intervals but we realise that some problems may take longer than others. If the surgery does not run strictly to time, please be patient.  Your GP may not be able to deal with more than one problem during a single consultation.

We offer extended hours appointments on Saturday mornings (except over Bank Holiday weekends) by pre-booked appointment only.

If you are unable to keep your appointment, please cancel in good time so that we can offer it to someone else.  If you repeatedly miss appointments without cancelling we will write to you and you may be removed from our list.

We try very hard to see patients when they need to be seen so please try to help us to help you by asking for the most appropriate Health Care Professional, the receptionists will be able to advise you if you are unsure who to ask for.

Tel: 01536 481381

Home Visits

Home visits are only for patients who are too ill to attend the surgery. Daytime visit requests should be made before 10 am, giving the receptionist an indication of the problem and the urgency so that we can act appropriately. A health care professional may call you back before agreeing to visit you.
Only emergency visit requests will be accepted after 10.30 am.

Tel: 01536 518951

Telephoning the Doctor

(Please note that all calls are recorded, and may be used for training purposes)
If you wish to speak to the doctor or other health care professional by telephone, please ask the receptionist who will ask you to provide a brief description of the problem which will enable you request to be directed to the most appropriate person.