Registered patients can order repeat prescriptions in a number of ways. You may only order medication that is already on our computerised repeat prescription record. Please allow at least 2 working days (Monday to Friday) for your request to be processed.
Below is a list of options you have when ordering a repeat prescription.
Call into reception and collect an application form for our on-line service. This must be completed and you must bring it to the surgery to collect a Registration Letter which will allow you to create an account. If you already have an account you can order repeat prescriptions here
Post your repeat prescription slip to us but please don’t forget to enclose a stamped address envelope. We will not be able to post your prescription back to you without one.
Simply drop your repeat prescription slip into the collection basket in the front door. There is no need to hand it personally to the receptionist. This facility is available 24 hours a day.
Pharmacists are trained experts in the use of medicines. For many questions regarding your medication you’ll find your pharmacy a valuable source of information and is best placed to answer many of your routine questions such as:
You can use the form below to ask the practice a question regarding your medication that the pharmacist has been unable to answer. Please however be aware only use this form for ROUTINE enquiries as it may take up to 5 working days for us to provide a response